November 15, 2021

This week in D.C.!

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Dear neighbor, 

This week I’m back in D.C. fighting for things that matter the most in our district. The Build Back Better Act which would provide so many with paid family leave, lower prescription drug prices, ensure every child has access to universal pre-K, allocate more money for violence prevention programs and so much more still needs to be voted on and passed. It is my hope the Build Back Better Act is brought to the House floor for a vote this week so that we can achieve lasting and meaningful progress. 

Check out some of our other work going on in D.C. this week: 

  • N’COBRA released their 2021 report “The Harm Is to Our Genes: Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance and Systemic Racism In America” which shows why we need H.R.40,the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act, to be voted on and passed. 

  • In the Science, Space, and Technology Committee we are reviewing three bills to reduce wildland fire risk, gain a better understanding of rain levels across the country and modernize weather radio systems essential to survival as weather conditions change. Learn more here. 

  • In the Science, Space, and Technology Committee we also have a hearing on “Fostering a New Era of Fusion Energy Research and Technology Development. Learn more here.

  • In the Committee on Education and Labor we have a hearing to review how COVID-19 funds were implemented in our schools. Learn more here. 

  • Lastly, the House is voting on a number of bills to support veterans, including those who are moms and students. 

As always, continue reaching out to my office to express your thoughts and share any questions and/ or concerns.